Prof. Dr. İlhan SATMAN

Professor of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology at Istanbul University Medical Faculty

Dr. İlhan Satman is a professor of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases. He graduated from Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in 1979 as a medical doctor and completed his education at the same faculty, becoming an internal medicine specialist in 1983 and an endocrinology and metabolic diseases subspecialist in 2007.

Dr. Satman worked as an internal medicine specialist at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia between 1986-1988. Returning to Turkey in 1989, Dr. Satman began working in the field of diabetes at Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, becoming an associate professor in 1991 and a professor in 1997.

Dr. Satman's main research areas are the immune prediction of type 1 diabetes and the epidemiology of type 2 diabetes, and he has worked in these fields at Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, Germany, Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden and St. He worked as a visiting professor at St. Bartholomew Hospital for certain periods. Obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance, clinical diabetology, clinical endocrinology, nutrition and prevention, control and treatment of chronic non-communicable diseases are other areas of interest for Dr. Satman.

Dr. Satman conducted the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Diabetes project, which are community-based field studies investigating the epidemiology of diabetes, prediabetes, obesity and hypertension, and the TURDEP-I and TURDEP-II projects in Turkey. These projects were carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey, the Ministry of Health of the TRNC and the World Health Organization.

Dr. Satman has published 249 articles in national and international refereed journals and presented 732 papers or served as an invited speaker in various congresses and scientific meetings. He is also the author of 56 books or book chapters and has supervised a total of 13 master's, doctoral, medical specialization or subspecialization theses. His projects have been funded by prestigious institutions such as the European Commission, the International Diabetes Federation, TÜBİTAK, Istanbul University BAP and the Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolism Association (TEMD), and he is a member of many professional associations, both nationally and internationally (such as the Turkish Medical Association, Turkish Diabetes Foundation, Turkish Medical Association, Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolism Association, Diabetes Obesity Metabolism Association, Turkish Cardiology Association, Turkish Obesity and Diabetes Association, American Diabetes Association, Endocrine Society, European Society of Endocrinology, European Association for the Study of Diabetes, International Diabetes Federation). He is also a member of the Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition Focus Group of the European Society of Endocrinology and the National Diabetes Program, the Clinical Evaluation Commission of the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, the National Nutrition Platform and the Medical Specialization Board (TUKMOS). Satman served as the head of the Department of Diabetes (2003-2005) and the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism (2012-2018) at Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, and served as a member of the TEMD Board of Directors for three terms (2005-2010). He also served as the head of the TEMD Diabetes Working Group and the Writing Committee of the ‘Diagnosis, Treatment and Follow-up Guidelines for Diabetes Mellitus and Its Complications’ between 2006-2018. Dr. Satman currently serves as the head of the Turkish Institute of Health (TÜSEB) Turkish Public Health and Chronic Diseases Institute (TÜHKE) and is a member of the TÜSEB Board of Directors.